
Showing posts from September, 2023

I can draw a picture of kindness for Orange Shirt Day

Today was orange shirt day where we wore orange shirts and talked about kindness.  Every child drew how they show kindness in a heart that is displayed in the Copper Gallery.  Please ask me about my drawing! Here is another special story about Orange Shirt Day. We had library today, so please check my backpack for my new book.  I chose a book that interests me, so I might need some help reading it!   Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday! Reminders: -Friday September 29 - No School - Truth and Reconciliation Day    *** Parents/Guardians  please DO NOT send any snacks containing  nuts .   We have students with severe allergies in our classes and we want to ensure the safety of all.  Thank you for your cooperation!

I can learn about Orange Shirt Day

Today we had a special story time with Mr. Magowan and Mr. Patry in the Copper Gallery.  They read us the story: "Every Child Matters," and we talked about how our school looks very different from the experiences of the children in the story.  We learned that Copperfield is a safe and welcoming place where every child matters - We show our heart by honouring and remembering all the children from the residential schools.   We finished our Jason Carter inspired landscape paintings today and shared why we love the land - check some of them out! Reminders:   -Orange Shirt Day for Truth and Reconciliation Day - Thursday September 28 -Please return library books anytime before our next library day which will be tomorrow on Thursday September 28! -Friday September 29 - No School - Truth and Reconciliation Day    *** Parents/Guardians  please DO NOT send any snacks containing  nuts .   We have students with severe allergies in our classes a...

I can appreciate the land

 It is Truth and Reconciliation week so here in Kindergarten we are focusing on growing through Indigenous ways of knowing and learning!  One way we are honouring the land is through the Acknowledgement of the Land.  Please check out this video of a kid friendly land acknowledgement.   Today we learned about an artist named Jason Carter who paints abstract landscapes and shows us how to appreciate the land even more!  We had an opportunity to practice drawing and painting landscapes just like Jason Carter.  Stay tuned to see some of our finished products. Reminders: -Orange Shirt Day for Truth and Reconciliation Day - Thursday September 28 -Please return library books anytime before our next library day which will be on Thursday September 28! -Friday September 29 - No School - Truth and Reconciliation Day    *** Parents/Guardians  please DO NOT send any snacks containing  nuts .   We have students with severe allergies in ...

I can describe the signs of Fall

It was so nice meeting with all of you at conferences last week!  Thank you for coming in and sharing about your child and their learning - we really enjoyed getting to know you all a little more. On September 22nd it was the Fall Equinox.  Today we talked how we have four seasons and that Fall is happening right now!  We discussed some of the signs of Fall and drew ourselves in our visual journals.  When drawing in our visual journals we are looking for: -Detailed drawings -A background -5 or more colours -Careful colouring *** For a challenge, labelling your picture with familiar sounds!***  Please ask me about my work today! Check out this story about Fall! The PM Class brought home a tiny pear today from Ms Chan's pear tree!  One of the signs of Fall is that there is a lot of food for animals to gather to get ready for Winter!  If you wish to eat the pear, you can wait for it to turn a little more yellow - they are delicious!  AM Kindergarten ...

I can use my ears to listen

In kindergarten, we have been practicing using our listening skills in order to follow directions, listen to instructions and stories read and listen to my classmates. Today we talked about how nature tries to tell us many things is we just listen. We read the story "I hear you, forest" by Kallie George. We then played a listening game where we heard different sounds and had to share what we hear. Some of us heard water flowing, leaves rustling, wind blowing, birds chirping and learned that the sounds were from a creek. Then we heard sounds from a thunder storm and then a beach. I can show you how I use my listening skills when we are going for a walk and share what sounds I hear in nature.  We are looking forward to meeting with all of our families over the next two days. Have a wonderful long weekend.  Reminders: - There is  NO SCHOOL on Thursday, Sept. 21st and Friday, Sept 22nd  for Conferences. Feel free to bring your child with you to the conference.  -Ora...

I can be safe during a fire drill.

**Tomorrow is Photo Day!  We had our very first fire drill in kindergarten. We learned all about how we can be safe and what to do if there was a fire. Ask me to tell you the different steps of what I need to do when I hear the fire alarm. We did great!  Reminders: - Wednesday September 20 - Photo Day  - There is  NO SCHOOL on Thursday, Sept. 21st and Friday, Sept 22nd  for Conferences.  Please book a meeting with your child's teacher online.  If you need assistance with booking, please call the school office. -Please feel free to return library books anytime before or next library day which will be on Thursday September 28!   *** Parents/Guardians  please DO NOT send any snacks containing  nuts .   We have students with severe allergies in our classes and we want to ensure the safety of all.  Thank you for your cooperation!

I can show love in many different ways

Happy Monday! Today we read a book called "I am Love" by Susan Verde. We talked about what kindness means and what it means to show love. Some ideas that we came up with were, helping my family, listening to people, playing with others, being polite and simply smiling. As we learn more about one another and what it means to be a class family, we are learning how to help each other in many different ways. Ask me to share with you what I drew and wrote about. At this time in kindergarten, we are learning to follow directions and complete work following different steps. For today's activity we needed to draw a picture of how we show love. The steps were: 1. Draw a picture with a pencil 2. Color my picture with crayons 3. Put up my hand 4. Put my things away  I am learning to be independent with looking at the visuals on the board to know what step comes next. In our drawings we are learning to draw people with body parts, fingers and adding detail (mat man). We are also lear...

I can make a new friend - PM Kindergarten

 Today was another busy day for the PM Kindergarten friends!  We had music, gym and got to meet our new buddies.  This year, our buddies are the grade 4 classes and we are looking forward to learning and growing strong friendships with them.  Today, our grade 4 buddies read books with us and asked us questions to get to know one another.  Please ask me about it! Reminders: -Please feel free to return library books anytime before Thursday! - There is NO SCHOOL on Thursday, Sept. 21st and Friday, Sept 22nd for Conferences.  Please book a meeting with your child's teacher online.  If you need assistance with booking, please call the school office.   *** Parents/Guardians  please DO NOT send any snacks containing  nuts .   We have students with severe allergies in our classes and we want to ensure the safety of all.  Thank you for your cooperation!

I can practice printing my name

Today we read a story about names and practiced printing our own names!  We are practicing using lower case, forming letters and trying to print our names independently.  If we have trouble remembering, we know that we can always use our name tags and pencil bins to copy our names.  Please help me build independence and confidence with writing my name! We also had a chance to go to the library today.  We got to meet Mrs. Clare our library assistant! Your child will be coming home with their first library book and a little note about how library works.  Please note that every Thursday is library day, so students can return their books any day before the next scheduled library visit! Reminders:   *** Parents/Guardians  please DO NOT send any snacks containing  nuts .   We have students with severe allergies in our classes and we want to ensure the safety of all.  Thank you for your cooperation! - PM Kindergarten attends on September 1...

I can learn about the letter S

 This week we are focusing on the letter S. Ask me to tell you how to write the letter and what sound it makes. For each letter, we are learning a song and action that goes with it. Please review the song with me regularly so that it can help me remember the sound. We talked about different words that start with the letter S. Ask me to tell you some things I remember from today. We are also practicing how to print the letter. We learned that when we print we ALWAYS start at the top. I can practice making S in different ways: with play dough, lego, using my finger and writing it in sand or flour). Here is our S song: Reminders: We have library tomorrow, please make sure that I have a normal size backpack that is big enough to fit my library book in. We have library EVERY THURSDAY and will be able to get a new book each week. Please return library books every Thursday or earlier.     *** Parents/Guardians  please DO NOT send any snacks containing  nuts ....

I can learn how to program robots

We continued to practice drawing math man but this time we added details so that it looked like us. We are all at different levels of drawing and are learning that we don't look like stick men. When I am drawing people, it should have a head, a square or rectangle body, arms with fingers and legs with feet. I can continue to practice this at home. Our drawings of ourselves will be displayed outside our classroom so families can come and see our art during parent teacher conferences.  Every Tuesday, we get to spend some time on the playground. We talked about the different rules for the playground. Ask me to tell you what some of the important rules are (go UP the stairs and DOWN the slide, don't throw sticks and rocks, don't climb on top of the monkey bars, we only hang under it).  We worked with the Grade 5  classes and learned how to program robots. We used coding to make our robots move in certain ways and learned how to program them.  Reminders:   *** Parent...

I can draw Mat Man

 Today we learned how to a person with all the important elements.  We talked about how a person isn't made of sticks, but larger shapes.  We practiced how to draw Mat Man and added details once we made sure he had all the important parts!  Here is song and story about Mat Man for you to review with your child at home! Please practice with me at home!  In Kindergarten, writing our names and drawing figures will be an important part of our learning! Reminders: *** Parents/Guardians  please DO NOT send any snacks containing  nuts .   We have students with severe allergies in our classes and we want to ensure the safety of all.  Thank you for your cooperation! - PM Kindergarten attends on September 15th  - No AM Kindergarten

I can make a new friend - AM Kindergarten

 It was a very busy day for us.  We went to music, gym and even met our new grade 4 buddies.  It was an exciting day of learning new routines, but best of all, making new friends.  This year we will be buddy classes with the grade fours where we will be doing fun activities like reading, art and nature walks.  Please ask me about what I did with my buddy today! Here is a picture of us in music. Here is a new centre that was introduced today! Have a great weekend, and see you all on Monday! Reminders: *** Parents/Guardians please DO NOT send any snacks containing  nuts .  We have students with severe allergies in our classes and we want to ensure the safety of all.  Thank you for your cooperation! **Please ensure EVERYTHING your child brings to school is labeled. This includes, water bottles, sweaters, shoes, lunch kits, backpacks etc.  - PM Kindergarten attends on September 15th - No AM Kindergarten  

I can make something out of a "Beautiful Oops!"

  Today we talked about how it is okay to make mistakes.  Kindergarten is a safe place for us all to try new things, make mistakes and learn from them.  We are learning that it is more important to try our best in everything and that all our mistakes can be turned into a 'Beautiful Oops."  Your child brought home a sheet of paper with a monster that they created out of a scribble!  Here is the story that we read today. Unfortunately the internet was down throughout the CBE, so students were unable to go to the library to check out a book.  We apologize for the inconvenience and will visit the library next week! Reminders: *** Parents/Guardians please DO NOT send any snacks containing nuts .  We have students with severe allergies in our classes and we want to ensure the safety of all.  Thank you for your cooperation! **Please ensure EVERYTHING your child brings to school is labeled. This includes, water bottles, sweaters, shoes, lunch kits, backpa...

I can play at centres

 A big part of our Kindergarten journey is learning through play!  Today we learned about all the different centres that we have around the classroom.  We are learning the rules and routines of centres such as: - Cleaning up before I move to a new activity -Sharing nicely with my friends -Using inside voices and gentle hands -And working together to play and learn! A highlight of centres is our camping centre.  We love pretending to roast marshmallows and eat hotdogs here! Check out a few photos of us playing. Reminders **Please ensure EVERYTHING your child brings to school is labeled. This includes, water bottles, sweaters, shoes, lunch kits, backpacks etc.  AM kindergarten attends this Friday - no school for PM kindergarten

I can learn new routines in kindergarten

We had a great first full day of kindergarten today! Our teachers are so proud of us as we learn new routines, expectations and what our job is at school. Today we learned where we hang our backpacks and put our shoes. Thank you for helping me pack a snack, water bottle and indoor shoes to keep at school. We read a book called "I like myself" and talked about what makes us all unique. We had centers today which are different stations in the classroom where we can play with one another and learn some social skills. Ask me to tell you what center I played at and who I played there with.  Please continue to help me be independent by having me put on my own shoes, jacket/sweater and backpack. Sometimes when I take off a sweater or jacket, the sleeves go inside out, please show me how I can fix that on my own. I am learning to use my words at school as well and ask for help when I need it. Thank you for your help with this at home!  Reminders **Please ensure EVERYTHING your child ...

Our First Day

  Hello families and welcome to our kindergarten blog! We will be updating this blog daily with what we have been working on and important information and updates about our class. Please check it regularly as this is our main form of communication with you. This will also help connect you with what is happening at school so you can guide those conversations with your child at home and ask them "tell me more about......". We had a wonderful first staggered entry day yesterday. Your children were absolutely wonderful and they did so great! Thank you for your help in prepping them for this milestone. Ask your child to share with you some of the things they learned about the kindergarten teachers. We worked on practicing printing our name and drawing a picture of us on the first day of school.  We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday September 5 during our regular kindergarten hours. AM Class 8:15-11:15am PM Class 12:05-3:05pm Have a wonderful long weekend and see you on Tuesday...