
Showing posts from October, 2023

I can play a math game

Happy Halloween!  It was so fun seeing all your amazing costumes today.  We had a super busy day playing a math game, going to the playground, doing a costume parade and having a DANCE party! The math game that we played is called: Make a monster.  This game helps me practice rolling dice, subitizing numbers and drawing.  Please ask me about the game! Have a fun and safe evening trick-or-treating and see you all tomorrow :) Reminders: -We ask that parents refrain from using the parking lot for pick up and drops offs, as it is a safety concern as students are arriving and being dismissed in that area.  There are many people in the area and may not be visible. We thank you for helping us keep our community safe! -As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child is dressed properly for outdoor weather. This includes snow pants, jacket, toques, mittens/gloves. We have recess every Tuesday and go outside to the playground unless it is -20 below.    -Lib...

I can use scissors to cut and make art!

 Today we practiced using scissors to make a halloween art project!  Our first step was to cut on a straight dotted line to make the gate and second was to cut the circle to make a pumpkin!  Scissor skills are a very important part of Kindergarten, so please practice cutting straight and curved lines with me at home.  Below you will see the rules that we follow when we are cutting.  Please ask me to explain these rules to you. Students are welcome to some to school in a costume if they would like. Please leave any accessories and or masks for the costume at home to ensure they don't get lost! Reminders: -We ask that parents refrain from using the parking lot for pick up and drops offs, as it is a safety concern as students are arriving and being dismissed in that area.  There are many people in the area and may not be visible. We thank you for helping us keep our community safe! -As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child is dressed properly for o...

I can make leaf art with my buddy

Happy Friday!  We did a cool art project with our Grade 4 buddies today. We love having such wonderful leaders to help us. We will be displaying them in our classroom windows as they are sun catchers.  We are getting more independent with all of our winter gear. Please continue to practice with me at home and have me do it on my own. We have a song we sing to help us get organized and ready. The tune is to the song "Head and Shoulders". "Snowpants, boots, and coat and hat, coat and hat, coat and hat Snow pants, boots, and coat and hat,  Scarf, backpack, mittens LAST!" Reminders: -Tuesday October 31 - Students are welcome to some to school in a costume if they would like. Please leave any accessories and or masks for the costume at home.  -As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child is dressed properly for outdoor weather. This includes snow pants, jacket, toques, mittens/gloves. We have recess every Tuesday and go outside to the playground unless it is -20 ...

I can make a prediction.

We learned a new big word today and it is PREDICTION. We learned that we can make predictions when we are reading a story. Today we read the book "The Teeny Tiny Ghost." We stopped at the part where there was a knock at the door and had to make a prediction of who or what was at the door. We drew a picture in our visual journals. We then read the rest of the story. Ask me to tell you what my prediction is and if I was correct. I can practice making predictions at home when listening to a story.  This week we have been taking a closer look at the letter P. At this time in kindergarten, I should know the letter name, action for the sound and sounds of the following letters: S A M T P. Please review these with me at home. Reminders: -This Friday AM Kindergarten attends - No school for PM Kindergarten -Tuesday October 31 - Students are welcome to some to school in a costume if they would like. Please leave any accessories and or masks for the costume at home.  -As the weather get...

I can show the number 4 in many ways

 We learned about the number 4 today.  The different ways I can show 4 are through numeral, word, five frame and picture.   We are working hard on recognizing and writing numbers, so please practice all the numbers from 1-4 with me.  One way you can practice with me is to go on number hunts when you are out doing groceries - try to make it fun!    Reminders: -This Friday AM Kindergarten attends - No school for PM Kindergarten -As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child is dressed properly for outdoor weather. This includes snow pants (weather permitting), jacket, toques, mittens/gloves. We have recess every Tuesday and go outside to the playground unless it is -20 below.  - We are looking for scraps of red themed textile (fabric) for an art project. If you have fabrics with red patterns and no longer need it and would like to donate it to our class, we will put it to good use. Thank you! Here are some examples of what we are looking for:...

I can learn about the Red Zone

 Today we learned about the Red Zone.  We learned that when we are in the red zone, we can be feeling high energy, furious, mad or out of control in that moment.  Even though we feel certain emotions in this zone, we learned that it is not okay to hurt others when we feel this way.  We brainstormed strategies to help us through these emotions.  Please talk to me about these strategies! Reminders: -This Friday AM Kindergarten attends - No school for PM Kindergarten -As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child is dressed properly for outdoor weather. This includes snow pants (weather permitting), jacket, toques, mittens/gloves. We have recess every Tuesday and go outside to the playground unless it is -20 below.  - We are looking for scraps of red themed textile (fabric) for an art project. If you have fabrics with red patterns and no longer need it and would like to donate it to our class, we will put it to good use. Thank you! Here are some example...

I can learn about the Blue Zone

**  PHOTO RETAKES are TOMORROW Tues Oct 24. All students who were away for our last photo day will get their picture taken. If you would like your child to get photo retakes, please email your child's teacher before tomorrow.   We have been getting really good at recognizing our emotions and identifying what zone we are in and what strategies we can use to help us get to the Green Zone. Today we took a closer look at the blue zone. Ask me to tell you what feelings I have when I am in this zone. We learned that it is ok to be in the blue zone but we don't feel very good in this zone and need to ask for help. Please ask me to tell you what things help me when I am in the blue zone.  Reminders: -As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child is dressed properly for outdoor weather. This includes snow pants (weather permitting), jacket, toques, mittens/gloves. We have recess every Tuesday and go outside to the playground unless it is -20 below.  - We are...

I can learn about the Yellow Zone

Today we learned all about the Yellow Zone of regulation.  We learned that being in the yellow zone can mean I am feeling excited, frustrated, hyper or silly.  When I am in this zone, I have difficulty focusing.   Here is a video with some strategies for when I am in the yellow zone: Here is a great story we read today about when we are feeling in the yellow zone: ***Please remember that there is NO SCHOOL TOMORROW.  Have a great long weekend! Reminders: - We are looking for scraps of red themed textile (fabric) for an art project. If you have fabrics with red patterns and no longer need it and would like to donate it to our class, we will put it to good use. Thank you! Here are some examples of what we are looking for: -Continue building independence with zipping backpacks/jackets, putting on boots/jackets and snow pants    -Library days are every Thursday, please return books by Thursday.  -PHOTO RETAKES are on Oct 24. All students who were away...

I can be a scientist

We have a little pumpkin named Jack that lives in a jar in our classroom. Today we talked about what a scientist is. We learned that scientists notice things and that the word is "observation". We will be noticing changes that are happening to him in the next few weeks.  Today we sketched what we saw and practiced copying environmental print and labeled some of the things in our picture. I wonder what will happen to him and what changes will occur. We learned that scientists are always wondering and asking questions.   This week we have been focusing on the letter T. Ask me to tell you what sound T makes and what starts with the letter T. So far in kindergarten, we have taken a closer look at the letters: S, A, M, T. Please practice these with me at home regularly.  Reminders: - We are looking for scraps of red themed textile (fabric) for an art project. If you have fabrics with red patterns and no longer need it and would like to donate it to our class, we will put ...

I can learn about the Green Zone

Today we learned that we have feelings and that we can feel different ones throughout the day. We learned about the different feelings zones. We call it "The Zones of Regulation". We focused on what it means to be in the green zone and talked about what puts us in this zone. We learned that this is an important zone to be in, especially at school because this is the zone that helps us be ready for learning. Ask me to share with you what puts me in the green zone. Some strategies that help us get into the green zone might be reading a book, getting a hug, playing with someone etc. In the next couple of weeks, we will be talking about each of the different zones to help us regulate our emotions. We learned that it is OK to be in ANY of the zones.  Reminders: *** If you are interested in volunteering in our classroom, we would love for you to come in whenever is most convenient for you!  If you have your police clearance and are interested, please email your child's teacher!...

I can show the number 3 in many ways

Today we learned about the number 3.  We represented it with a numeral, five frame and picture!  Please practice writing the numbers 1 - 3 with me at home to build independence.  Our goal is to be able to recognize, write and subitize numbers with confidence and accuracy! Reminders: *** If you are interested in volunteering in our classroom, we would love for you to come in whenever is most convenient for you!  If you have your police clearance and are interested, please email your child's teacher!  If you have not yet gotten your police security clearance, you will need to stop in at the office to get that process started. -Continue building independence with zipping backpacks/jackets, putting on boots/jackets and snow pants    -Library days are every Thursday, please return books by Thursday. (PM K we will get a new book next Thursday) -NO SCHOOL next Friday Oct 20 for PD Day

I can make some pumpkin art with my Grade 4 buddy

We did a fun art activity with our Grade 4 buddies today. We are excited to hang them on our windows so you can see them from outside.  Today the total amount raised by the school for Terry Fox was $2450! Wow! Awesome job Copperfield School. Our goal was to raise $1200 and we doubled that. Depending on how much we raised, certain teachers will get a pie in their face. Because we surpassed our goal, lots of teachers got a pie in the face. It was so fun to watch.  Reminders: *** As the weather is getting cooler and students are wearing more outdoor clothing, we kindly as that you practice building independence at home with your child.  Practicing putting on jackets, zipping them up as well as backpacks are skills that we are focusing on.   -Library days are every Thursday, please return books by Thursday. (PM K we will get a new book next Thursday) -NO SCHOOL next Friday Oct 20 for PD Day

I can draw my family

Today we talked about who is in our family.  We counted the number of people that live in our house and drew a picture of them in our visual journals.  We read Todd Parr's family book to get some ideas for our pictures!  Please ask me about my picture. This week we focused on the letter M - Please practice printing the letter M with me!  We also brainstormed all the different words that start with M.  See if you can find things around the house that start with M! ***Today you will notice that the PM Kindergarten students did not come home with a library book.  The librarian was away,  so we will take out new books next week - We apologize for the inconvenience! Reminders: *** As the weather is getting cooler and students are wearing more outdoor clothing, we kindly as that you practice building independence at home with your child.  Practicing putting on jackets, zipping them up as well as backpacks are skills that we are focusing on.   ...

I can show the number 2 in different ways

 Today we practiced representing the number 2 in a variety of ways!  We showed the number in our visual journals as a numeral, picture and on a five frame!  Please practice this with me at home. Here is a sample of our visual journal entry: Reminders: *** As the weather is getting cooler and students are wearing more outdoor clothing, we kindly as that you practice building independence at home with your child.  Practicing putting on jackets, zipping them up as well as backpacks are skills that we are focusing on.   -Library days are every Thursday, please return books by Thursday. -PM Kindergarten attends Friday - no school for AM Kindergarten

I can share what I am thankful for

 We hope everyone had a good long weekend spending time with family and celebrating Thanksgiving if that is a tradition you celebrate! Today we talked about what it means to be thankful.  Being thankful if when we are full of thanks!  In sharing circle, we talked about all the things we are thankful for and why. In our visual journals, we drew a picture of what we are thankful for and practiced careful colouring!  Please ask me about my picture.  Here is the Todd Parr book we read: *** As the weather is getting cooler and students are wearing more outdoor clothing, we kindly as that you practice building independence at home with your child.  Practicing putting on jackets, zipping them up as well as backpacks are skills that we are focusing on.   Reminders: ***We are asking for pumpkin donations - If you are able to donate any size, colour and type of pumpkin for our October activities, that would be greatly appreciated!  Please send any dona...

I can run like Terry Fox

AM Kindergarten: We attended the Terry Fox assembly that was hosted by the Grade 2's We have loved learning about Terry Fox and how he can help us remember to never give up. Today we ran like Terry around the school field with our grade 4 buddies. Ask me to tell you how many laps I did! Today we also talked about what boundaries are. We listened to a video and learned that we all have our own space and bubble and how others can respect our boundaries. Ask me to tell you what I can say if  someone is making me feel uncomfortable, not safe because they are crossing a boundary.  Boundaries Song Reminders: ***We are asking for pumpkin donations - If you are able to donate any size, colour and type of pumpkin for our October activities, that would be greatly appreciated!  Please send any donations with your child when they come to school :). Thank you so much! -NO SCHOOL on October 9th - Thanksgiving -Library days are every Thursday, please return books by Thursday. -PM Kinder...

I can sketch a Fall tree

 Today we started a new project called a Phenology Wheel.  We will be revisiting this wheel with each passing season.  For our first section we sketched a Fall tree and made sure we showed careful colouring to match the Fall season colours.  Please ask me about my picture! We read the story: "Wonderfall"to help us get some ideas for our Fall tree sketches! Thank you for all those who have brought in donations so far for the Terry Fox Run!  PM Kindergarten will be doing their run tomorrow during gym class. Reminders: ***We are asking for pumpkin donations - If you are able to donate any size, colour and type of pumpkin for our October activities, that would be greatly appreciated!  Please send any donations with your child when they come to school :). Thank you so much! -AM Kindergarten attends this Friday - no school for PM Kindergarten -NO SCHOOL on October 9th - Thanksgiving

I can use loose parts to make a picture

 Today we learned about loose parts.  Loose parts are any objects or items that are found around that we use to make pictures.  Using loose parts requires us to use our imagination!  We read "Leaf Man" to see what sorts of pictures we can make using loose parts found outside.  here is an example of picture made with leaves found outside.  If you go on a nature walk, try making a loose parts picture on your own!  Please ask me about the picture I made today. This afternoon, the PM Kindergarten kids did the Terry Fox run with our grade 4 buddies - It was amazing to run for Terry and try our very best, even when things get hard.  Thank you for all the donations that came in today for Terry Fox - we will continue collecting donations for the remainder of the week! *** This year, Copperfield's goal is to raise $1200 - You are welcome to bring any donations throughout the week, as Mr. Magowan and Mr. Patry will be coming around to collect any donations ...

I can learn about Terry Fox

  Today we learned about the Canadian hero: Terry Fox.  We learned that he was an ordinary man who did extraordinary things.  Terry showed us that if we do our best we can do anything.  Our hope is that by participating in the Terry Fox run, we can bring awareness to cancer research and help out in our own small way!  We drew a picture of Terry in our visual journals.  Please ask me about my picture! -AM Kindergarten will be participating in the Terry Fox run on Friday during their gym class. -PM Kindergarten will be participating in the Terry Fox run on Wednesday during their gym class. *** This year, Copperfield's goal is to raise $1200 - You are welcome to bring any donations throughout the week, as Mr. Magowan and Mr. Patry will be coming around to collect any donations each day!  If our school goal is reached, some teachers will get pies in their faces!!*** Here is a story about Terry Fox: Reminders: -Please return library books before Thursday. -...

I can write the number 1

 Today we talked about all the different ways to show a number.  We learned the number one and practiced representing it as a numeral, picture and on a five frame!  Please practice writing the number one with me at home.  Check out this video that we watched today.   Here is an example of the visual journal entry we worked on! Reminders: -Please return library books before Thursday. -AM Kindergarten attends this Friday - no school for PM Kindergarten   *** Parents/Guardians  please DO NOT send any snacks containing  nuts .   We have students with severe allergies in our classes and we want to ensure the safety of all.  Thank you for your cooperation!