I can learn about the Red Zone
Today we learned about the Red Zone. We learned that when we are in the red zone, we can be feeling high energy, furious, mad or out of control in that moment. Even though we feel certain emotions in this zone, we learned that it is not okay to hurt others when we feel this way. We brainstormed strategies to help us through these emotions. Please talk to me about these strategies!
-As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child is dressed properly for outdoor weather. This includes snow pants (weather permitting), jacket, toques, mittens/gloves. We have recess every Tuesday and go outside to the playground unless it is -20 below.
-Library days are every Thursday, please return books by Thursday.
*** If you are interested in volunteering in our classroom, we would love for you to come in whenever is most convenient for you! If you have your police clearance and are interested, please email your child's teacher! If you have not yet gotten your police security clearance, you will need to stop in at the office to get that process started.