I can learn about the Yellow Zone
Today we learned all about the Yellow Zone of regulation. We learned that being in the yellow zone can mean I am feeling excited, frustrated, hyper or silly. When I am in this zone, I have difficulty focusing.
-Continue building independence with zipping backpacks/jackets, putting on boots/jackets and snow pants
-Library days are every Thursday, please return books by Thursday.
-PHOTO RETAKES are on Oct 24. All students who were away for our last photo day when get their picture taken. If you would like your child to get photo retakes, please email your child's teacher.
*** If you are interested in volunteering in our classroom, we would love for you to come in whenever is most convenient for you! If you have your police clearance and are interested, please email your child's teacher! If you have not yet gotten your police security clearance, you will need to stop in at the office to get that process started.