I can show the number 3 in many ways

Today we learned about the number 3.  We represented it with a numeral, five frame and picture!  Please practice writing the numbers 1 - 3 with me at home to build independence.  Our goal is to be able to recognize, write and subitize numbers with confidence and accuracy!


*** If you are interested in volunteering in our classroom, we would love for you to come in whenever is most convenient for you!  If you have your police clearance and are interested, please email your child's teacher!  If you have not yet gotten your police security clearance, you will need to stop in at the office to get that process started.

-Continue building independence with zipping backpacks/jackets, putting on boots/jackets and snow pants 

 -Library days are every Thursday, please return books by Thursday. (PM K we will get a new book next Thursday)

-NO SCHOOL next Friday Oct 20 for PD Day

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