
Showing posts from March, 2024

I can learn to skate this week!

This week we have been working hard at learning a brand new skill, in-line skating! My teachers are so proud of me and and you should be too. We learned that at the beginning we will fall.....A LOT. Every single one of us gave it a try and kept picking ourselves up. Ask me to show you what the ready position is. We even learned how to fall properly because that will happen. We are learning that if we keep trying our best, we can do hard and scary things. A HUGE thank you to all of our adult volunteers that helped us put on and take off our gear.  Have a wonderful spring break! School returns on Tuesday April 2.  Reminders: -NO SCHOOL on Thursday March 21 and Friday March 22 for Parent Teacher Conferences - Please book a conference online! Alien-inline Skating: *Please have your child bring a helmet labelled with their name on it if they have one on their skate days. These are our remaining skating days: Ly AM : Wed Apr 3 Norrie AM : Tues Apr 2 Ly PM : Wed Apr 3, Fri Apr 5 Chan PM : Tu

I can write the letter J

 Today we went to the playground to enjoy the weather before it snow!  We also practiced writing the letter Jj.  We have been working really hard on our letters and practicing using our knowledge to label pictures and decode words!   Alien-inline Skating *Please have your child bring a helmet labelled with their name on it if they have one on their skate days. These are our remaining skating days: Ly AM : Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3 Norrie AM : Wed Mar 20, Tues Apr 2 Ly PM : Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3, Fri Apr 5 Chan PM : Tues Apr 2, Thurs Apr 4 Read a Thon If you wish to have your child included in the top fundraiser draws, you must have forms and donations sent in by March 21.  Cash and cheques may be sent with your child, or an e-transfer is also available. Please send e-transfer to   with child’s name, grade, and teacher. Reminders: -NO SCHOOL on Thursday March 21 and Friday March 22 for Parent Teacher Conferences - Please book a conference online! -There will be n

I can share what it means to be a good friend.

We have been learning all about what it means to belong and one of the ways we can feel a sense of belonging is to be a good friend. We brainstormed words such as: kind, share, laugh, enjoying. We also talked about how we feel when we are with a friend.  Alien-inline Skating *Please have your child bring a helmet labelled with their name on it if they have one on their skate days. These are our remaining skating days: Ly AM : Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3 Norrie AM : Tues Mar 19, Wed Mar 20, Tues Apr 2 Ly PM : Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3, Fri Apr 5 Chan PM : Tues Mar 19, Tues Apr 2, Thurs Apr 4 Read a Thon If you wish to have your child included in the top fundraiser draws, you must have forms and donations sent in by March 21.  Cash and cheques may be sent with your child, or an e-transfer is also available. Please send e-transfer to   with child’s name, grade, and teacher. Reminders: -NO SCHOOL on Thursday March 21 and Friday March 22 for Parent Teacher Conferences -The

I can give my best smile for picture day

We got our photos done today, it will be neat to compare them to our first photos we took at the beginning of the year. I can see how much I've grown! We have been working on a couple of letters this week. Parent Teacher Conferences The March conference is an opportunity for teachers to share learning progress with families and highlight key next steps in the learning progression for the remainder of Term 2.  Parents/guardians will book their 15-minute conference time on-line using their MyCBE/PowerSchool Account. The CBE conference booking site will open to families to begin booking conferences on Thursday March 14 at 6:00pm.   Alien-inline Skating *Please have your child bring a helmet labelled with their name on it if they have one on their skate days. These are our skating days: Ly AM : Mon Mar 18, Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3 Norrie AM : Tues Mar 19, Wed Mar 20, Tues Apr 2 Ly PM : Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3, Fri Apr 5 Chan PM : Tues Mar 19, Tues Apr 2, Thurs Apr 4 Read a Thon If you wish

I can make a second observation

In October we started a science experiment with Jack the pumpkin to see what would happen if we let him in the jar.  Here is a reminder of what he used to look like! Over the past few months, we used our sense of sight to observe that Jack began decomposing and one day he even started to sprout!  We talked about how it was interesting that we never watered Jack, but he was still able to grow with the water that was already inside the jar!  Here is a picture of what Jack looks like now: In our visual journals we recorded our observations and labelled our pictures.   Alien-inline Skating These are our skating days: Ly AM : Mon Mar 18, Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3 Norrie AM : Tues Mar 19, Wed Mar 20, Tues Apr 2 Ly PM : Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3, Fri Apr 5 Chan PM : Tues Mar 19, Tues Apr 2, Thurs Apr 4 Inline Skating Form Read a Thon upcoming dates: ** Continue getting sponsors and tracking the minutes you have read! Please return the form with any money on Thursday March 14. Reminders: -AM Kinderga

I can talk about ways to connect to nature

Today we talked about how we develop a sense of belonging in nature through a few different ways.  We can take care of nature, plant trees, go on hikes and find a spot to sit outside to use our 5 senses to experience all that is around us.  We read "Berry Song" and talked about where in nature we feel most connected to.  Please ask me about the picture that I drew in my visual journal! We also had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather by going on a nature walk! Alien-inline Skating These are our skating days: Ly AM : Mon Mar 18, Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3 Norrie AM : Tues Mar 19, Wed Mar 20, Tues Apr 2 Ly PM : Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3, Fri Apr 5 Chan PM : Tues Mar 19, Tues Apr 2, Thurs Apr 4 Inline Skating Form Read a Thon upcoming dates: ** Continue getting sponsors and tracking the minutes you have read! Please return the form with any money on Thursday March 14. Reminders: -AM Kindergarten attends this Friday. PJ day for AM class -Tomorrow is PJ day for PM Kindergarten -Spring

I can learn about the sense of touch

Today we learned about the sense of touch.  We felt touched a variety of textures and glued them to our visual journal hand.  After we glued the different textures, we labelled our picture using the sounds we could hear. Alien-inline Skating An email was sent out through our school messenger about Inline skating. We will need forms signed and returned for your child to be able to participate. Please check your emails and let your teacher know if you did not receive it. We are also looking for parent volunteers to help us put on and take off equipment. Parent volunteers will not be skating. These are our skating days: Ly AM : Mon Mar 18, Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3 Norrie AM : Tues Mar 19, Wed Mar 20, Tues Apr 2 Ly PM : Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3, Fri Apr 5 Chan PM : Tues Mar 19, Tues Apr 2, Thurs Apr 4 Inline Skating Form Read a Thon upcoming dates: ** Continue getting sponsors and tracking the minutes you have read! Please return the form with any money on Thursday March 14. **A notice went hom

I can learn about the letter R and H

Please continue working on all the different letters with me!  This week's focus was on the letter Rr and Hh.  We brought home new library books today - see if you can find any heart words in them! Alien-inline Skating An email was sent out through our school messenger about Inline skating. We will need forms signed and returned for your child to be able to participate. Please check your emails and let your teacher know if you did not receive it. We are also looking for parent volunteers to help us put on and take off equipment. Parent volunteers will not be skating. These are our skating days: Ly AM : Mon Mar 18, Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3 Norrie AM : Tues Mar 19, Wed Mar 20, Tues Apr 2 Ly PM : Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3, Fri Apr 5 Chan PM : Tues Mar 19, Tues Apr 2, Thurs Apr 4 Inline Skating Form Read a Thon upcoming dates: Bring a flashlight and read in the dark: Please send in a flashlight or more (to share) with your child's name on it by the following dates. They will be returned t

I can make a bookmark

We have been so exctied about reading books and seeing ourselves as readers. We learned that reading also means listening to stories, reading pictures and retelling stories. Today we read a book by Todd Parr called "Reading Makes Me Feel Good". We then created bookmarks that we took home so that we can continue to read and log our minutes at home for the read-a-thon. Please make note of all the special dates coming up! Alien-inline Skating An email was sent out through our school messenger about Inline skating. We will need forms signed and returned for your child to be able to participate. Please check your emails and let your teacher know if you did not receive it. We are also looking for parent volunteers to help us put on and take off equipment. Parent volunteers will not be skating. These are our skating days: Ly AM : Mon Mar 18, Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3 Norrie AM : Tues Mar 19, Wed Mar 20, Tues Apr 2 Ly PM : Wed Mar 20, Wed Apr 3, Fri Apr 5 Chan PM : Tues Mar 19, Tues Apr

I can learn about my boundaries

We have been learning about belonging and being able to identify different feelings and emotions. Today we focused on having a good relationship with our own bodies. I learned that my body belongs to me and I can use my words to tell people when I am feeling uncomfortable. I can say "Please stop I don't like that". We practiced different scenarios today. For example if someone took a toy of mine that I am playing with I can say "please stop!" If a friend asks me if they can give me a hug I can either say "yes" or "no thank you" and that is ok. Please have a conversation with me about different boundaries that we have in. our families. We learned that some students like to be tickled but only my their mom and dad and others like to be tickled by their friends. If we understand each other's boundaries we will feel more comfortable around each other and feel in control of our own bodies!  Alien-inline Skating An email was sent out through ou

I can learn about my sense of taste

We took a closer look at the sense of taste. I can taste things that are sweet, sour, salty and bitter. We had to think in our brains and use our memory bank to draw things for each category. At dinner tonight, I can tell you what I taste and if its sweet, sour, salty or bitter. We had some very special guest readers visit our classroom today! Mirabel from Encanto read to the AM class and Rapunzel read to the PM class! Ask me to tell you about it, what book they read and something I learned about them. Alien-inline Skating An email will be sent out today through our school messenger about Inline skating. We will need are forms signed and returned for your child to be able to participate. Please check your emails and let your teacher know if you do not receive it. We are also looking for parent volunteers to help us put on and take off equipment. Parent volunteers will not be skating. Read a Thon upcoming dates: Bring a flashlight and read in the dark: Please send in a flashlight or mor