I can identify features of Canadian coins and bills.

Today we took a look at Canadian coins and bills and pointed out the different features they each have. In kindergarten we are just exploring coins and bills and knowing that they all have different values and used to buy different things. 

We also met Mrs. Bailey who is the lunchroom supervisor. We learned that next year in Grade 1 we will be eating in the Copper Gallery where lunch tables will be set up.


-Wednesday June 19 - Bring a stuffie to school. As part of our learning of measurement in math, we will be measuring our stuffies in various ways.

-Indigenous Day Sharing assembly 9:30am. All families are welcome to attend.

-AM Kindergarten attends on Friday

-Please return all library books. We will not be having any more library book exchange for the rest of the school year.

-Wednesday June 26 - AM class last day

-Thursday June 27 - PM class last day. Please note the times 8:15-11:45am

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