I can make a cover for my visual journal page

Report Cards

Report cards are available to view online through MyCBE/PowerSchool Accounts. For instructions on how to view student report cards on-line please visit Accessing the On-line Report Card.  If you require support to view the report card please contact the main office, and if you have questions regarding the report card please contact your child’s classroom teacher.

This year Kindergarten teachers will report progress to parents/legal guardians both in January and June reporting periods. The January report card will reflect progress in ELA and Math, and the June report card will report on progress in all subject discipline areas.

Today we finished our cover pages! We are very proud of our work and cannot wait to put them on the front of our visual journals. 


-PM Kindergarten attends this Friday

-Library on Thursday

Heart Words: the, a, that, it, in, and, is, of, to

These are all the heart words that I should know for this time of year.  Please practice these words with me.  I should be able to recognize and read these words from my heart!

Letters:Aa, Mm, Tt, Pp, Dd, Ss, Ff, Ii, Nn, Oo and Cc 

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